Ealing Carers’ Centre

1 Edgecote Close, Acton W3 8PH

020 8840 1566 020 8840 1566


The Carers’ Centre is a resource and support centre for all unpaid carers, of any age, in the borough of Ealing.

A carer is someone who spends a significant proportion of their time providing unpaid support to family or friends. This could involve caring for a relative, partner or friend who is ill, frail, disabled or has mental health or substance misuse problems.

Benfits Surgery Tuesday 10-4.30pm and Friday 10-1.00pm

Counselling fo carers Wed 10-2.00pm

IT for beginners Mon, Wed and Friday Mon , Wed, Frida10.30-12.30pm

View on Map Plan Journey on TFL

Can I get help with small repairs?
  • The handy person service arranges minor jobs in the home for older, disabled or otherwise vulnerable people.
  • To qualify for the basic handy person grant the applicant must be:
  1. aged 60 or over (and not in paid employment) or
  2. disabled or
  3. a single parent in receipt of an income-related benefit(*) living with child(ren) under 16
  • Handy person grants  cover :
  1. Emergency repairs
  2. Essential works to enable vulnerable people to remain in their own homes
  • The team is based at the Ealing Town Hall. Start by going to their website or ring Tel: (020) 8825 6070
How do I challenge a motoring fine?

You need grounds to challenge a  parking fine, not knowing about the rules or not being able to afford a fine are not grounds.

There are a number of organisations which can issue motoring offence :

1. the council – in which can go to their  website to find guidance on the process

2. the police –  specific offences are issued by the police under criminal law and are called Fixed Penalty Notices.

3.  Transport for London for red route contraventions  – go to their website

4. Private companies  for private car park, such as a supermarket or shopping centre contraventions  – you will need to find out the company details  to find out the procedure

The appeal rules depend on your ticket type so ensure you read the right section below. We’ve included info for civil ticket appeals, criminal ticket appeals and police ticket appeals.

Your appeal will largely involve writing up to three separate letters, though the general content will usually be similar in each of them. So keep a copy of the first one safe, and just alter the introduction and any other points as necessary.

A good website for guides on challenging and presenting your case including mitigating circumstances is the moneysavingexpert site .



Contact www.rbkc.gov.uk/environmentandtransport/parking.aspx

Citizens Advice service – Advice Guide

The site provides easy to understand general information on all areas of law including welfare benefits. It has handy tips on how to deal with situations and very useful standards letter and documents you can download.

I have a health service related query or need help to resolve a problem?

The NHS Complaints Advocacy Service is free and independent service that helps you make a complaint about the NHS.

You can access their services either by web

Or you can phone 0300 330 5454 ( this is a “charity” phone number which is free form most mobiles and land lines as a part of your package)

My relative needs representation at mental health tribunal. Where can I go?

You can find a specialist adviser at:


The Social Fund have refused a grant. Are there any charities I can apply to?

For information on trusts and charities for individuals in need go to:



You should also try asking the council service: ( Local welfare assistance is an emergency financial payment and has replaced Community Care Grants and Crisis Loans

I have a disability. Can I get free travel?

You may be able to get extra help for travel if you have a disability

A blue badge  helps people with a seriously impaired ability to walk, or those registered blind, (passenger or driver) with parking in restricted areas to help provide better access to shops and services. It costs  £10 and is available from the council. To apply click here

Taxicard – this scheme offers access to subsidies when using licensed London taxis and private hire vehicles. It aims to help people  who have serious mobility impairment and difficulty in using public transport.To claim click here

For general information plaese go to teh council community transport page 



Travel by train:

Your right to travel by train is protected by the train company’s Disabled People’s Protection Policy (DPPP). Each train company must produce a DPPP and you can get a copy from the company. go to gov.uk  : travel by train section ( this link takes you there) for more information.