


TaxAid helps people on low incomes to understand the bits of the tax system that apply to them, pay only the right amount of tax and help them resolve crises when things go wrong.

The website is designed to make tax understandable to any taxpayer.


Shelter provides a free, national telephone advice line staffed by trained housing advisers. We have helped thousands of people, from finding them a place to sleep to suggesting how to handle mortgage arrears. Very good and detailed services run by experts in the field and with links to local advice services in your area.

Open Monday to Friday 8:00am to 8:00pm Saturday to Sunday 8:00am to 5:00pm

Refugee Council

Here you can find a useful A-Z on asylum and immigration issues. You will also find information on the Government’s National Asylum Support Service (NASS) that provides accommodation and subsistence for asylum seekers who are deemed to be destitute.

National Debt Line

The debt advice is for people living in debt and gives practical advice how to deal with it. You can be confident that the advice offered is targeted to you particular needs. They have a great comprehensive seld help debt pack.

Open Monday to Friday 9:00am to 9:00pm Saturday 9:30am to 1:00pm

Step Change

With almost 20 years’ experience of providing debt advice, we offer a range of services and solutions to suit every situation.

Help us learn more about your circumstances and we can advise on the debt solution that’s right for you.

HM Revenue & Customs

This website is designed to make it easier to find out if tax credits can help you and your family.

Welfare Rights on the Net

Find out what benefits you may be entitled to and how to claim them. An easy to navigate site with lots of very useful information

The Disability Law Service



The Disability Law Service provides telephone and written advice to clients whom have welfare benefit problems, and also representation; depending upon our availability at that time.

Care UK

Provides practical help and support for carers on a wide range of topics including welfare benefits and money advice.

The Benefit Enquiry Line

The Benefit Enquiry Line provides advice and information for disabled people and carers on the range of benefits available. The person taking your call will not have your personal papers but will be able to give you general advice. Please visit the Directgov page detailed below to learn about these benefits first.

The Pension Service

Find out more about how you can receive a Pension Credit estimate, and how to apply. Pension Credit is an income related benefit for pensioners living in Great Britain. It is made up of two different parts, Guarantee Credit and Savings Credit.

The Department of Work and Pensions

The Department of Work and Pensions (DWP) has an A – Z of benefits and entitlements that provides details on most benefits. The site is updated regularly and also covers benefits that are administered by local authorities (e.g. your local Council, for example – Housing Benefit).

UK Border Agency

This website provides information and explains the process for coming to live and work in the UK. You can download application forms and information on the following: Permission to work in the UK, Permission to stay in the UK, Citizenship and Asylum and Refuge.

Citizens Advice service – Advice Guide

The site provides easy to understand general information on all areas of law including welfare benefits. It has handy tips on how to deal with situations and very useful standards letter and documents you can download.


This service which helps people access the money available to them – through welfare benefits, grants and other help.